Videnskab job-tilbud i Hovedstaden region

251-275 af 301 jobs

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  • rigshospitalet  2
  • carlsberg group  1
  • copenhagen business school  1
  • danmarks radio  1
  • statens serum institut  1
  • Freelance  1
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  • Læreplads  1
  • Midlertidige  4
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  • Del-tid  4
  • Fuld-tid  11
  • 0+
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  • 3+
  • 4+
  • 5+
  • I dag  16
  • Sidste uge  77
  • Laborant/Dyretekniker/Akademiker til forskning inden for all

    Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Kongens Lyngby, Hovedstaden

    Forskningsgruppen for Fødevareallergi på Fødevareinstituttet på DTU søger en dygtig laborant, dyretekniker eller akademiker med erfaring inden for forsøgsdyr ti
    14 dage siden i Ofir

  • Fast stilling i matematik og fysik på Øregård Gymnasium

    Øregård Gymnasium Gentofte, Hovedstaden

    På Øregård Gymnasium beliggende i Hellerup lidt nord for København tilbyder vi pr. 1. August 2025 en fast fuldtidsstilling i fagene fysik og matematik. Vi tilby
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Postdoctoral position in experimental cognitive psychology

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    The Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites candidates for a postdoctoral position in experimental cognit
    19 dage siden i

  • 163690 Group Leader, Associate Professor of Computational Im

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Vaccines and Immunity University of Copenhagen The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Vaccines and Immunity (NIVI Research) i
    13 dage siden i

  • Postdoc in theoretical quantum optics and quantum informatio

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    One postdoc position is available in the theoretical quantum optics group at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The position will be part of th
    30+ dage siden i

  • Consultancy in plastic surgery combined with a clinical prof

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    A clinical position as consultant of plastic surgery at the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit at Copenhagen University Hospital. [Xxxxx] is open for
    11 dage siden i

  • Studentermedhjælper med analytisk sans til Finansministeriet

    Finansministeriets Departementet Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Interesserer du dig for økonomi og samfundsanalyse? Og kunne du tænke dig et studenterjob, hvor du kan bringe dine faglige kompetencer i spil i analyser og refo
    18 dage siden i Ofir

  • Forskningsassistent søges til forskning i Selvmordsforebygge

    Psykiatrisk Center København Gentofte, Hovedstaden

    Ansøgningsfrist: 2. Marts 2025 Har du lyst til at arbejde for at gøre en forskel inden for mental sundhed? Overvejer du en karriere i psykiatrisk forskning? Dan
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Postdoc in Neuroendocrinology and Physiology

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Department of Biology, Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen is offering a Postdoc position in Neuroendocrinology and Physiology commencing 1 June
    13 dage siden i

  • PhD scholarship in political science and political economy a

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    [Xxxxx] invites applications for a PhD scholarship in political science and political economy. It will be based at the Department of International Economics, Go
    30+ dage siden i

  • Two postdoctoral positions in cultural policy research at th

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    The Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in cultural policy
    30+ dage siden i

  • Postdoc in dinoflagellate vision and visual ecology

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Department of Biology Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen An approx. 28 month postdoc position is open in the sensory biology group lead by assoc. Prof.
    30+ dage siden i

  • Hovedstadens Beredskab søger nye beredskabsassistenter til v

    Hovedstadens Beredskab Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Vil du gøre en forskel for borgere, virksomheder og gæster i Hovedstadsområdet? Så har du nu muligheden for at søge en af de mest krævende stillinger i beredska
    14 dage siden i Ofir

  • Projektorienteret medarbejder der vil styrke samspil mellem

    Psykoterapeutisk Center Stolpegård Gentofte, Hovedstaden

    Vil du være med til at udvikle og sikre et tæt samspil mellem psykoterapeutisk forskning, klinik og kompetencer i Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri gennem målretted
    15 dage siden i jobnet

  • PhD scholarships in Network Science, AI, and Science of Scie

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    The research group led by Professor Roberta Sinatra at the Center for Social Data Science at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) is seeking highly motivated ind
    18 dage siden i

  • Post Doctoral Fellow for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Job Description The Cardiac Proteomics and Systems Biology Group at Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Cop
    12 dage siden i

  • Staff scientist in bioinformatics & computational science

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Issazadeh-Navikas Group, BRIC Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and independent staff scient
    12 dage siden i

  • Postdoctoral position in Law and Humanities

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, is seeking applications for one postdoctoral candidate as part of the interdisciplinary project “Home in Crisis” f
    18 dage siden i

  • Universitetspraktikant til DR Debat & Kultur Lyd i Aarhus

    Danmarks Radio Københavns Kommune, Hovedstaden

    ...briks, Supertanker, DR Romanprisen og en række podcasts og serier til DR LYD og P1. Vi arbejder med indhold, der kredser om kultur, livsstil, videnskab...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.400,000
    15 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Ph.d -studerende eller postdoc søges til forskning i selvmor

    Psykiatrisk Center København Gentofte, Hovedstaden

    Ansøgningsfrist: 19. Februar 2025 Er du dedikeret til at gøre en meningsfuld forskel inden for mental sundhed? Dansk Forskningsinstitut for Selvmordsforebyggels
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • 163429 Clinical professor of Psychiatric Bioinformatics (fix

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Clinical Professor of Psychiatric Bioinformatics (Fixed-Term, 5 Years) Department of Clinical Medicine Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Cope
    14 dage siden i

  • Postdoctoral position in Indo-European Studies at the Facult

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    The Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites applications for a postdoctoral position in In
    30+ dage siden i

  • PhD fellowship in Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Inf

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    The Niels Bohr Institute invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Information. The project will be part of the theoreti
    30+ dage siden i

  • Multiple PhD and postdoc positions on evaluation metrics for

    Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    The PURRlab (Pattern Recognition Revisited lab) at the [xxxxx] invites highly motivated individuals to apply for a PhD or a 2 year Postdoc positions starting la
    30+ dage siden i

  • Er du interesseret i at arbejde i et ambulatorie med højt sp

    Region Hovedstaden Hillerød, Hovedstaden

    Karriereopslag hos Region Hovedstaden, Akademikernes Jobbank: Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen i Klinik 5, Afdeling for Kræftbehandling Vi søger en sygepl
    19 dage siden i Jobbank


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Videnskab job-tilbud i Hovedstaden region

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