Sushi chef job-tilbud

1-25 af 35 jobs

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  • Copenhagen  4
  • Århus  4
  • Vejle  3
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  • Helsingør  2
  • Hillerød  2
  • Hjørring  2
  • Odense  2
  • Roskilde  2
  • Aabenraa  1
  • Hovedstaden  11
  • Syddanmark  8
  • Nordjylland  5
  • Midtjylland  4
  • Sjælland  4
  • Vejleder  27
  • Kok  7
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  • I dag  1
  • Sidste uge  6
  • Sushi Chef

    Everyday sushi & wok Haderslev, Syddanmark

    Everyday Sushi og Wok is seeking a skilled Sushi Chef with a passion for Japanese cuisine. Requirements: At least 3 years of sushi chef experienceFormal...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.200,000
    5 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Sushi Chef

    Sushi Mura Hillerød, Hovedstaden

    Sushi Mura in center of Hillerød and Fredensborg is looking for a sushi chef. We expect you have some years of experience from restaurant industry. It is an...
    15 dage siden i jobnet

  • Sushi Chef

    SACHI SUSHI HELSINGØR Helsingør, Hovedstaden

    We are looking for a full time sushi chef to join our team at Sachi Sushi located in Helsingør and Gilleleje, Denmark. We are offering good conditions, happy...
    18 dage siden i jobnet

  • Sushi Chef

    Sushi Mura Hillerød, Hovedstaden

    Sushi Mura in center of Hillerød and Fredensborg is looking for a sushi chef. We expect you have some years of experience from restaurant industry. It is an...
    16 dage siden i Ofir

  • Sushi Chef

    SACHI SUSHI HELSINGØR Helsingør, Hovedstaden

    We are looking for a full time sushi chef to join our team at Sachi Sushi located in Helsingør and Gilleleje, Denmark. We are offering good conditions, happy...
    19 dage siden i Ofir

  • Seeking a sushi chef

    Ye Sushi Amagerbrogade Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Sushi Chef We are seeking a passionate and experienced sushi chef to join our dynamic team at Ye's ApS. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of...
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Sushi restaurant looking for chef

    Århus, Midtjylland

    We are looking for full. Time kitchen chef to help the restaurant. This is from 11:00-23:00 during both days and weekdays. You have the opportunity to work...
    30+ dage siden i

  • Seeking a sushi chef

    Ye Sushi Amagerbrogade Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Sushi Chef We are seeking a passionate and experienced sushi chef to join our dynamic team at Ye's ApS. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of...
    10 dage siden i Ofir

  • Wasabi Sushi is looking for a Sushi Chef

    ny Relocation DK Aalborg, Nordjylland

    We are looking for people with several years of experience. Requirements: -Fluent English -Experience with sushi -Can cut fish -Ability to work under...
    1 dag siden i Ofir

  • Sushi kok søges

    Itacho Roskilde, Sjælland

    Itacho Sushi restaurant in skomagegade 34, 4000 Roskilde is looking for full time professional sushi maki chef who can make and cut sushi, prepare all the...
    4 dage siden i Ofir

  • Sushi kok

    Shogun Århus, Midtjylland

    We looking for at sushi chef in our kitchen, you need to have experience inAnsogning making sushi be able to work high intensity work pressure and can...
    11 dage siden i Ofir

  • Sushi chef want til Young Sushi | ApS

    Young Sushi II Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    Sushi Kok Søges til Young Sushi | ApS english below: Har du passion for sushi og elsker at skabe smagsoplevelser, der imponerer? Young Sushi søger en dygtig...
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Sushi kok søges / Sushi chef

    Odense, Syddanmark

    Til sushi team søges snarest muligt en dedikeret sushi kok. Du kommer til at arbejde i et team, hvor høj kvalitet og lækre råvarer er i højsædet og hvor vi...
    30+ dage siden i

  • Chef

    Lucky Sushi v/ Xiaoying Wu Køge, Sjælland

    Vi har travlt og søger Kok til at indgå i vores køkkenteam i Køge, Greve og Slagelse. Du er uddannet kok, gerne med erfaring fra enten hotel, restauration eller
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Professional kitchen chef for Sushi og wok Takeaway

    RawnRice Farum, Hovedstaden

    Our small but busy sushi and wok take away shop in Farum is looking for a skilled and responsible kitchen chef. As a chef, you must control daily operations...
    8 dage siden i Ofir

  • Sushi restaurant in aarhus looking for chef

    Noribar Århus, Midtjylland

    We are sushi restaurant in Aarhus, looking for full time chef. If you can make the requirements below, then please send me a CV. You have an interest in food...
    18 dage siden i Ofir

  • Experienced Cook & Sushi chef for Asian Cuisine restaurant

    Vejle Running Sushi Vejle, Syddanmark

    Vejle Running Sushi søger erfaren kok & sushi chef på fuld tid til det asiatiske køkken. Vi har forrygende travlt og mangler dygtig kok og sushi chef, der...
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Experienced Cook & Sushi chef for Asian Cuisine restaurant

    Vejle Running Sushi Vejle, Syddanmark

    Vejle Running Sushi søger erfaren kok sushi chef på fuld tid til det asiatiske køkken. Vi har forrygende travlt og mangler dygtig kok og sushi chef, der kan...
    10 dage siden i Ofir

  • New sushi restaurant in aalborg looking for chef

    Aalborg, Nordjylland

    We are new sushi restaurant in Aalborg, looking for 2 full time chef. If you can make the requirements below, then please send me a CV. You have an interest...
    30+ dage siden i

  • Kok søges / Tatami sushi looking for a chef

    Tatami sushi Næstved Næstved, Sjælland

    Tatami sushi søge en kok, vi forventer du har min. 3års erfaring, din opgaver vil være lave sushi, tilberede sticks, mv. PS: du skal ikke søge job hvis du...
    30+ dage siden i Ofir

  • Wasabi Sushi ApS is looking for a Sushi Chef

    Relocation DK Copenhagen, Hovedstaden

    ...people with several years of experience. Requirements: -Fluent English-Experience with sushi-Can cut fish-Ability to work under pressure-Ready to take respo
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Professional kitchen chef for Sushi og wok Takeaway

    RawnRice Furesø, Hovedstaden

    Our small but busy sushi and wok take away shop in Farum is looking for a skilled and responsible kitchen chef. As a chef, you must control daily operations...
    7 dage siden i jobnet

  • Sushi kok søges

    Sushi Insu Odense, Syddanmark

    Til sushi team søges snarest muligt en dedikeret sushi kok. Du kommer til at arbejde i et team, hvor høj kvalitet og lækre råvarer er i højsædet og hvor vi...
    17 dage siden i Ofir

  • Sushi kok søges

    Yu Kongens Lyngby, Hovedstaden

    Sizukusushi søger en erfaren sushi kok Er du passioneret omkring sushi og ønsker at være en del af et ambitiøst og professionelt team? Så er dette job måske...
    29 dage siden i Ofir

  • 2 kokke til Oyisi Sushi restaurant i Aabenraa og Esbjerg


    Chef to Oyisi Sushi in Aabenraa and a chef to upcoming restaurant in Esbjerg We are looking for a stable and responsible chef who can make chinese dishes and...
    30+ dage siden i


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Sushi chef job-tilbud

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