Forsker job-tilbud i Århus, Midtjylland
26-50 af 60 jobs
Overlæge, Urinvejskirurgi, børneurologi, robotkirurgi, AUH
Region Midtjylland Århus, Midtjylland
Til dig som søger en urologisk afdeling med muligheder for at bidrage til forskning og udvikling inden for børneurologi og medfødte misdannelser af urinveje/gen
30+ dage siden i jobnetRapport -
Vikarstilling: Til Det Kgl. Bibliotek i Aarhus søges en ejen
Århus, Midtjylland
Det Kgl. Biblioteks består af flotte biblioteksbygninger, bl. A. Bogtårnet i Aarhus og Den Sorte Diamant i København, hvor der dagligt kommer tusindvis af stude
18 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational History
Århus, Midtjylland
Join the Golden Matrix Team at Aarhus University The Center for Humanities Computing at the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University invites applicati
18 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
PhD Special Call - Ph. D. stilling i ledelse af kompetenceud
Århus, Midtjylland
The research project is a partnership with early childhood care in Danish municipalities, and Danish language proficiency is therefore a requirement for the pos
30+ dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Udbudskonsulent til Indkøb. Opslag hos Aarhus Universitet (A
Aarhus Universitet (AU) Århus, Midtjylland
Karriereopslag hos Aarhus Universitet (AU), Akademikernes Jobbank: Vil du være med til at skabe værdi for forskning og uddannelse på Aarhus Universitet (AU)? Er
19 dage siden i JobbankRapport -
Postdoc in genetic modelling and validation of novel livesto
Århus, Midtjylland
Are you interested in genetic modelling and validation of novel phenotypes and phenotyping tools using sensor-based data, including computer vision? Do you want
20 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Udbudskonsulent til Indkøb
Aarhus Universitet Århus, Midtjylland
Vil du være med til at skabe værdi for forskning og uddannelse på Aarhus Universitet (AU)? Er du motiveret for at udvikle dig inden for offentlige udbud? Vi søg
30+ dage siden i jobnetRapport -
Postdoctoral positions in Mathematics & Operations Research
Århus, Midtjylland
The Department of Mathematics at Aarhus University, Denmark, a top 100 university, is seeking top early-career researchers for a number of attractive one to two
30+ dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Researcher for biogas treatment
Århus, Midtjylland
The Department of Biological Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, invites applicants for a 15 month position as engineer and research assistant within the f
12 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Post doc in seaweed aquaculture and ecosystem services at Aa
Århus, Midtjylland
Are you interested in seaweed cultivation and its impact on the marine environment? Can your expertise contribute to the development of this field of applied re
11 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Chief Commercial Officer til DNA Diagnostic (Opslag hos Food
Foodjob Nordic Århus, Midtjylland
Karriereopslag hos Foodjob Nordic, Akademikernes Jobbank: Foodjob Nordic søger en ambitiøs kommerciel profil med fødevareindsigt og international erfaring til e
19 dage siden i JobbankRapport -
Postdoc position in optical sensors and spectroelectrochemis
Århus, Midtjylland
Are you interested in optical sensors, and can you contribute to the development of the project aimed at advancing ion-selective optodes by integrating spectroe
20 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Projektsygeplejerske i Forskning ved Steno Diabetes Center A
Region Midtjylland Århus, Midtjylland
Er du sygeplejerske, og trives du med stor alsidighed i dit arbejde og en stor kontaktflade? Så er det dig, vi søger. Stillingen er ved Steno Diabetes Center Aa
10 dage siden i OfirRapport -
Postdoc in RNA-based therapeutics for viral targeting
Århus, Midtjylland
The interdisciplinary Nanoscience center (iNANO) at Aarhus University invites applications for a 1-year postdoc position, with the possibility of extension. Thi
24 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
2-year Post Doc Position Experimental Physical Chemistry / C
Århus, Midtjylland
Femtosecond time-resolved imaging and control of chemical reactions using molecules in helium nanodroplets The position is available from 1 September, 2025 (ear
30+ dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Postdoctoral Positions in NLP Post-Training for Cultural Ali
Århus, Midtjylland
The AarhusNLP Group at the Center for Humanities Computing, Aarhus University, invites applications for multiple three-year Postdoctoral Researcher positions. S
18 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Docent til Center for professionsstudier med forskningsfagli
VIA University College Århus, Midtjylland
Karriereopslag hos VIA University College, Akademikernes Jobbank: Er du optaget af forskning i professionsuddannelser, af samspillet mellem uddannelse og profes
12 dage siden i JobbankRapport -
Postdoc in binder development for Li-ion batteries
Århus, Midtjylland
The Ravnsbæk Groups at the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, is seeking a candidate for a 24 month postdoctoral position. You will join the project Be
23 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Associate Professor of Human Environmental Toxicology and Mo
Århus, Midtjylland
The Department of Public Health at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Associate Professor in the field of Human Envir
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Postdoc in Pediatric Precision Oncology
Århus, Midtjylland
The Department of Clinical Medicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Postdoc in the field of Pediatric Precision
10 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Postdoc in battery research for the Center for Sustainable E
Århus, Midtjylland
The Center for Sustainable Energy Materials at the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, is seeking a candidate for a 36 month postdoctoral position. The
24 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
2-yr postdoc on human macroecology in a functional trait per
Århus, Midtjylland
The Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies and the Department of Biology, Aarhus University, invite applications for a 2-year postdoc position on human
30+ dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Postdoc in physics-informed neural networks for solid mechan
Århus, Midtjylland
Are you passionate about solid mechanics and intrigued by machine learning? We are seeking a qualified candidate who can merge expertise from both fields to dev
10 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
3-year postdoc in computational social science at Aarhus Uni
Århus, Midtjylland
The Department of Political Science at Aarhus University invites applications for a three-year full-time postdoctoral researcher to join a new ERC-funded resear
10 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport -
Postdocs in Epidemiology or Statistical Genetics at The Pion
Århus, Midtjylland
The Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for two or more positions as a Postdoc in the fields of Epidemiolog
19 dage siden i Jobsearch.dkRapport
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