Detail job-tilbud i Århus, Midtjylland

126-150 af 173 jobs

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  • Århus  173
  • Midtjylland  173
  • vestas  15
  • bestseller  3
  • jysk  3
  • arla foods amba  2
  • systematic  2
  • hummel  1
  • implement consulting group  1
  • precis digital  1
  • region midtjylland  1
  • skandinavisk  1
  • Freelance  1
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  • Del-tid  3
  • Fuld-tid  15
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  • 1+
  • 2+
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  • 4+
  • 5+
  • I dag  29
  • Sidste uge  97
  • Partner Business Development at 2BM Software, part of SOA Pe

    2BM Århus, Midtjylland are located globally, and the number of partners is expanding. To support this expansion, we are looking for you, a dynamic and detail-oriented...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.1,000,000
    7 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Product Quality & Safety Specialist

    Vestas Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail to the audience. Fluent in written and spoken English; proficiency in German would be valuable. The enthusiasm and ability to work in a diverse and...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.400,000
    4 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • QA Engineer – ensure compliance to pharma regulations

    CIM Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail. Possess excellent communication skills and speak/write English at a professional level. Understand how to communicate with different profiles and...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.600,000
    5 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Salgsassistentelev

    REMA 1000 Århus, Midtjylland

    ...(detail), eux eller en hhx. Har du en baggrund med STX, HTX eller HF, kræves der dog et EUDS 5 ugers forløb. Hvis du ikke har den nødvendige...
    14 dage siden i Ofir

  • Area Sales Manager BOLIA

    ny Bolia Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail-oriented but still outgoing and a true team-player. You speak and write English at a high level. High user level of Windows office is a must and...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.400,000
    10 t 33 minutter siden i Whatjobs

  • Salgsassistent

    Emmerys Århus, Midtjylland

    Butik. Guldsmedgade Salgsassistent med ønske om ansvar 20 timer pr. Uge Guldsmedgade Århus Ansøg om dette job Vi sva
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Power Trader Trading and Analytics · MFT Energy, USA

    MFT Energy Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail and a commitment to accuracy in trading activities. Working in MFT EnergyYou will be part of a young, global, and vibrant work environment. MFT...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.600,000
    2 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Ungecentret Social og Fællesskaber søger en rusmiddelbehandl

    Aarhus Kommune Århus, Midtjylland

    Om jobbet: Har du lyst til at blive en del af et fagligt stærkt team, hvor kerneopgaven er at bidrage til positiv udvikling hos udsatte og sårbare unge? Ungecen
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Salgsassistent

    Føtex Viby Centret Århus, Midtjylland

    Føtex logo Salgsassistent til bageriudsalget. Viby J Arbejdsplads Viby Ringvej 10 8260 Viby J DK Ugentlige arbejdstimer 30 Timer Startdato 1. Februa
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Experienced Floor Sander Wanted for High-Quality Projects in

    BECH Personale Århus, Midtjylland

    ...Detail-oriented and able to deliver a high-quality finish on all projects. Self-motivated, responsible, and able to work independently. At least basic...
    25 dage siden i Ofir

  • Center Administrator for Center for Contemporary Cultures of

    Aarhus Universitet Århus, Midtjylland

    ...Text at the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University is seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented center administrator to support the Center’s a
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Kasseassistent

    Føtex Viby Centret Århus, Midtjylland

    Føtex logo Salgsassistent til Kundeservice og kiosk. Viby J Arbejdsplads Viby Ringvej 10 8260 Viby J DK Ugentlige arbejdstimer 15 Timer Startdato 1.
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Head Chef, fuldtid, Scandic Regina

    Århus, Midtjylland

    Er du ambitiøs i køkkenet, målrettet og ikke bange for at rydde vanetænkning af bordet, så tror vi på, at du er vores nye Head Chef på Scandic Regina. Vi ved, a
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.400,000
    30+ dage siden i Jobleads

  • Salgsassistent Under 18 År

    Føtex Viby Centret Århus, Midtjylland

    Føtex logo Salgsassistent under 18 år til bageriudsalget. Viby J Arbejdsplads Viby Ringvej 10 8260 Viby J DK Ugentlige arbejdstimer 4-8 Timer Startdato
    30+ dage siden i jobnet

  • Kok søges til Kinesisk restaurant/ Chef wanted for chinese r

    RESTAURANT VINDE Århus, Midtjylland

    For English below Vi søger en stabile og ansvarlige kok gerne med erfaringer indenfor kinesiske wok-retter. Restauranten er kendt for sin luksus kinesiske buffe
    17 dage siden i Ofir

  • Sushi Chef needed

    A+ Siam Sushi Restaurant Århus, Midtjylland

    If you are an experienced sushi chef. We need you! Busy sushi restaurant located in the center of Aarhus city, is now searching for 2 sushi chefs. As our restau
    11 dage siden i Ofir

  • Chef Needed

    A+ Siam Sushi Restaurant Århus, Midtjylland

    If you are a chef, with experience in asian cuisine. Please look here. Busy restaurant located in Aarhus central walking strees, is in search of 2 chefs. Is is
    11 dage siden i Ofir

  • Performance Engineer, Lead Professional, Offshore

    Vestas Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail and a full commitment to qualityGood social skills and cultural understanding since you will work with many stakeholders from all over the world...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.400,000
    15 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Collector Assistant

    Alektum Århus, Midtjylland

    Har du erfaring med at arbejde med kundeservice og gerne inkasso? Har du lyst til at lære mere og spille en vigtig rolle i et samarbejdsorienteret team, der væg
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.400,000
    10 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Service Advisor - Aarhus

    Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail. Excellent communication skills and ability to establish and maintain strong working relationships with both internal stakeholders and customers...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.600,000
    15 dage siden i Jobleads

  • Senior R&D Scientist - Ruminants

    IFF Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail and able to achieve deadlines with complex or new issues. Demonstrated ability to communicate at all levels, externally and internally, including...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.400,000
    8 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Nurse & Donor Coordinator

    Cryos International - Denmark Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail and comply with company standards of high quality. You can work systematically and independently once trained under the direction of the Team Lead...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.200,000
    15 dage siden i Whatjobs

  • Uddannelsesstilling til anæstesisygeplejerske på Aarhus Univ

    Region Midtjylland Århus, Midtjylland

    Vi søger nu sygeplejersker til optagelse på Specialuddannelsen for sygeplejersker i anæstesiologisk sygepleje 1. September 2025. Som anæstesisygeplejerske arbej
    24 dage siden i Ofir

  • Postdoc in Protein Design of Photoactive Proteins

    Aarhus Universitet Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail. Well-developed critical thinking and trouble shooting skills. A drive for performing your best possible research. The Westberg Lab The Westberg Lab...
    26 dage siden i Ofir

  • Senior Embedded Software Engineer

    mpeople Århus, Midtjylland

    ...detail-oriented, and be committed to building and maintaining high-quality standards. Application: If you are a senior engineer with great technical insight...
    Brutto årsløn: Kr.600,000
    8 dage siden i Whatjobs


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Detail job-tilbud i Århus, Midtjylland

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